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Ecco la lista degli articoli presenti su quel sito:
Anschluss by Richard Sharp
Armageddon in Austria by Guy Thomas
Austria : Gas Up & Go! by Michael Mills
Austrian Strategy by Don Turnbull
The Blue Water Lepanto by Manus Hand - mirco
The Bulgarian Gambit by Doug Beyerlein
Go Ost, Jung Man by Chris Warren
The Hedgehog by Richard Sharp
The Hedgehog: An Asset or a Liability for Austria? by Richard Hucknall
How to play Austria by Scott Kauzlarich - gipsss
An Introduction to Austrian Opening Strategy by Richard Hucknall
The Lepanto Opening by Edi Birsan - mirco
Of Archdukes and Hedgehogs: A Look at Austrian Openings by David Smith - Fulvio
Of Don Juan by Richard Egan
On Strengthening the Hand of Austria-Hungary by Allan Calhamer
The Peacekeeper by Guy Fraser-Simpson
Playing Austria-Hungary by Rich Amada
Playing the Key Lepanto (and living to tell the tale) by Tony Swinnerton - Leonardo Quirini
The Russian/Austrian Alliance by Marc St Rose and Marcel van Vilet - Chester - dbrn (chi fa per primo !!!)
Strategic Diplomacy (Part 2) - Austria-Hungary by Harry Drews - perste
Strategy for Playing Austria by Steve Smith
Taking The Lepanto To Its Illogical Conclusion by Pete Swanson - Francesco Baiocchi
The Triple Alliance by Stephen Agar
The Triple Alliance Revisited by Chip Crain - Francesco
Was I Right? by Richard Sharp
Weak Sisters Diplomacy by Richard Egan
Stesso discorso fatto per gli articoli austriaci. Qui gli originali da tradurre.
Questa è la lista aggiornata sulle traduzioni già fatte:
England - A Personal View on Opening Strategy by Stephen Agar - ConsoleDiSpagna
English Opening Strategy by Stephen Agar - ConsoleDiSpagna
English Strategy by Don Turnbull
England : Tutonic Brotherhood by Steve Arnawoodian
The Entente Cordiale by Stephen Agar
A Fight to the Finnish by Tom Hubbard
Hey Bresto! by Richard Sharp - indeciso
How To Make Love In Western Europe: The Triple Alliance by Andrew England
How to Play England by Chris Allen
An Introduction to English Opening Strategy by Richard Hucknall
May the Sun Never Set: Eternal England by Stan Johnson
The Northern Tier Alliance by Richard Hucknall
Perfidious Albion? by Richard Egan
Prising the French Snail out of his Shell by Stephen Agar
The Sealion by Edi Birsan
The Sealion Opening by John Dodds
Strategic Diplomacy (Part 5) - England by Harry Drews
Strategy for Playing England by James Mueller
William and Mary, Or, The Flemish Sealion by Marton Oosten
Altri articoli
Winter 1901: The Three Build OpeningWinter 1901: The Three Build Opening by Scott Morris
Taking The Lepanto To Its Illogical Conclusion by Pete Swanson
Sacrifice Openings in Diplomacy by Nicky Palmer - Vladimiro del Sorbo
Safe Openings by Dick Schultz with an introduction by Larry Peery - Vladimiro del Sorbo
The German Attack by John Dennett - Vladimiro del Sorbo
The Lack of Diplomacy Opening Theory by Jamie Dreier - Vladimiro del Sorbo
The Lapland Southern Draw by José Luis Fernández Valoni - Vladimiro del Sorbo
Chiunque voglia tradurre un articolo di questa lista, può prenotarselo in questo topic. Io aggiornerò la lista colorando di rosso l'articolo in questione. Una volta completata la traduzione, potete inviarlo all' indirizzo info at webdiplomacy dot it , oppure potete inserire direttamente voi stessi il vostro articolo nella wiki ( previa registrazione ).
Altre traduzioni in corso:
Libro di Richard Sharp - Riccardo
What's your point - fede si trova qui.
Centrifugal Force - articolo su The Zine di Clinton Wolf sulla Germania - HokaHey
Al momento serve anche un breve testo introduttivo per ciascuna potenza. Qui non si traduce, ma si scrive !!!
- Austria
- Francia
- Inghilterra
- Germania - keririn
- Italia - keririn
- Russia
- Turchia